Redefining north.

Notes From Crew Quarters: Mythology

Notes From Crew Quarters: Mythology


This week, Associate Fiction Editor Ethan Brightbill asked our staff what mythologies interest them.

Jacob Hall, Associate Fiction Editor

I blitzed through five Percy Jackson books when I was burnt to a crisp on an awful family vacation. I've loved Greek mythology ever since.

Ethan Brightbill, Associate Fiction Editor

I have a character in a story I'm working on who has an interest in Norse mythology, and her knowledge presents an opportunity for all sorts of figurative language. The Germanic idea of doom, and specifically that one can occasionally recognize one's doom, is something I'm trying to have fun with.

Tianli Kilpatrick, Associate Nonfiction Editor

Forever Greek mythology. But also Norse, Egyptian, and's hard to pick a single favorite.

E. Flores, Associate Poetry Editor

I would have to say I always get snagged by how well documented and complex the mythology of Arda is. It's not the most well-known mythology in the world, but Bolbi Stroganovsky's books and videos on the subject is how I first really encountered it.

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Writers on Writing #118: Dorothy Bendel

I am accustomed to a certain amount of grotesquerie by Emma Sovich

I am accustomed to a certain amount of grotesquerie by Emma Sovich